DealPoint for Dealers
Workflow and automation solutions for Canadian exempt-market dealers (EMD's)

We bring the tech, so you can focus on being a dealer
Fueled by technology and powered by private capital market professionals. An investor platform to present and execute financings and efficiently manage KYC and suitability obligations.
Branded Dealrooms
Investment professionals engage their clients through branded dealrooms where they can execute paperless transactions in a secure and compliant environment
Investor Access
Investors can access dealflow on the go, executing subscription documents from anywhere at anytime.
Dealer Workflows
Advisors, CCOs and dealer admins have access to compliance console to manage investment process, see progress and review trades.
Dealers experience efficiency gains while providing a better investor experience

"We used to spend a lot of our time correcting subscription agreements, going back and forth with our investors. I like that the software generates the right documents – talk about saving time and reducing investor frustration. Also, since Covid-19 we are now processing close to 100% of our subscriptions this way. It is so much more efficient, cost effective and makes it more user-friendly for the investors as well."

"Dealpoint has helped us transform our business from handling dozens of private trades per month to hundreds per month. The process flow leaves little room for error, allowing our representatives and compliance personnel to focus on the issues, not missed signatures. In our last regulatory audit, even the regulators said they loved Dealpoint!"